Maximize your revenues with Live Broadcasts

Posted by:
Noah from Swish Live

Broadcasting your sporting events live is already a great way to connect your team or club with your fans, but did you know that it can also be a source of revenue ?

Here are Swish Live's tips for turning your live shows into sources of revenue:

1. Display logos on carousel

One of the most effective ways of presenting your sponsors' logos is through the carousel at the bottom right of the broadcast. Up to five logos can automatically scroll here, providing constant visibility throughout the match. Make sure your sponsors' logos are clearly visible to maximize their impact.

2. Dress up your downtime with "Full screen images" mode

For example, you can create a partner wall visual and broadcast it full-screen during half-time. Spectators will no longer see the empty pitch, but the image you've chosen to broadcast. It's another way of showcasing your sponsors. It offers maximum visibility and can be an excellent way of drawing spectators' attention to your partners.

3. Promotional videos

Take advantage of downtime or transition moments to broadcast promotional videos of your sponsors. This feature is only available on iOS devices. For example, use an iPhone to film and present your partners' products or services through a video. It's an original and dynamic way to promote their brands while dressing up your downtime.

4. Mention in video description

You can also mention your sponsors in the video description. This could include links to their websites, information on special offers or simply a warm thank you for their support. The video description is a valuable space for providing additional information to your audience.

Convince your sponsors with statistics

To convince your sponsors of the effectiveness of your broadcast, highlight two key elements:

1. Number of Views: Highlight the number of views your broadcasts or videos generate. The higher your numbers, the greater the engagement of your audience and the reach of your content.

2. Number of matches broadcast : Present the number of matches you plan to broadcast throughout the season. This shows that your sponsors' exposure is not limited to a single event, but extends over several matches throughout the year.

Generate Income Fast

By commercializing the display of your sponsors' logos during your broadcasts, you can quickly pay off your Swish Live subscription and even start making a profit. The more you engage your audience and showcase your sponsors, the greater the value of your partnerships.

In conclusion, don't underestimate the monetization potential of your live broadcasts. Showcase your sponsors creatively, demonstrate the impact of your broadcasts through statistics, and turn your broadcasts into a sustainable source of revenue for your team or club. Swish Live gives you the opportunity to create a win-win experience for you, your fans and your sponsors.